Orthopaedic Acupuncture

Do you suffer from pain, poor movement, stiff joints, numbness or pins and needles?
Try acupuncture that is focused on the treatment of injuries, musculoskeletal dysfunctions and nerve entrapments.
For the treatment of muscle and joint pains, aches, tendonitis, headaches, neuropathies, and other similar conditions.
Treatment includes orthopaedic assessment, motor point (electro) acupuncture, trigger points, remedial massage and self-care.


We begin by talking to you about your condition. Your story is important and can shape your treatment.

We will then assess your posture, how you move, and perform orthopaedic tests.

All this helps us find out what is causing you pain and dysfunction.

Motor Point Acupuncture

This involves needling muscles at neuromuscular junctions, then adding electric stimulation (electro-acupuncture).

This stimulates the muscles to contract and relax, with the aim of restoring the muscles natural contraction strength, length and elasticity.

Trigger Point Needling

This is also known as dry needling.

Stressed muscles form tight bands or nodules called trigger points.

These points are needled to release this tension, which often results in the muscle twitching from the trigger point being stimulated.

Modern Lifestyle Herbal Medicine

The modern lifestyle is sedentary with many processed foods and environmental toxins.
This leaves many people feeling tired, heavy and cold. It gets people stressed out and unable to sleep. 
Gut health issues are rampant, immune systems are impaired and mental health dissorders are way too common. 
Botanical Biohackings herbal medicine formulas are designed to tackle these modern health issues by clearing out pathalogical microbes, stimulating the immune system and improving digestion.

Wind Tea

This herbal medicine tea targets the respiratory microbiome (lungs + skin) by eliminating pathogenic microbes, regulating fluid metabolism and stimulating the immune system.

This can help conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, sweating dissorders, allergies and chemical sensitivities 

Microgard Plus

The modern diet is filled with rich and processed foods that tend to impaire digestion.

These herbal medicine pills are designed to balance the bacteria in our gut and help move the bowels.

They have strong anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and pain reducing effects.

Tibetan Foot Soaks

These are NOT the detoxing foot soaks you see in the shopping centres.

These are foot soaks created with the highest quality raw Chinese herbal medicines, including Tibetan purple salt which is great for cramps, spasms and stiff muscles.

They improve blood circulation, reduce clotting and regulate hormones. Improving pain, stress and insomnia, plus reducing inflammation, headaches and digestive dissorders.

Foot soaks are great for lower body pain conditions, such as gout, plantar fasciitis and peripheral neuropathy.

Just Make an Appointment & You're Done!

Opening Hours

Trent is available Monday-Friday for acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatments. 

Sarah is available for remedial massage treatments:

Monday – Thursday 9am-1pm

Carolyn is currently unavailable for remedial massage treatments.

Monday to Friday

(Tuesday until 4pm)

9:00am - 7:00pm

Therapy That We Provide

Therapy Pricing

Acupuncture Initial Session

$ 125 Duration : 1 hr 15 min
  • For First Time Clients
  • Orthopaedic Acupuncture
  • Case History & Assessment
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine

Sports Acupuncture

$ 125 Duration : 1 hr 15 min
  • Orthodaedic Acupuncture
  • Excellent for pain and injuries
  • For targeted pain relief
  • Treating multiple body regions

Acupuncture Follow-Up

$ 75 Duration : 45 min
  • Follow - Up Consultation
  • Orthodaedic Acupuncture
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine
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