NEW RELEASE! Online Workshop #3 – Neck & Upper Back

Our Third Workshop Has Arrived! Online Workshop #3 – Neck & Upper Back is now available via the Therapist Training Membership I am so happy to bring you this new workshop. This workshop is jam packed with new content. It will help you to improve your assessment & technique application skills. There are detailed videos covering […]

Self-Care, My Not So Secret Weapon In The Fight Against Pain and Immobility

Self-Care for Self-Repair! That’s the new slogan for my clinic website. It was designed for the sole purpose of allowing my clients to view their self-care online, wherever they are. No more forgetting activities and exercises, so no more excuses. As you can see i believe self-care is very important. In my clinical experience i […]

Making Mistakes Is Normal, But It’s Great To Be Able To Avoid Them

It is perfectly normal to make mistakes. It would actually be a mistake to think you will never make any. This video is not about making sure that you never make a mistake, its about highlighting some of the key ones that i have seen many students and therapists make. If you know about a […]

Get More Massaging Depth With These Simple Steps

This demonstration shows safe and effective ways of transferring force from your body to your clients. Don’t damage your body by trying to muscle your way deep into tense tissues, use strong and stable body positions and let gravity do as much of your work as you can get it to. There are no tricks, […]

What is the Best Way to Prevent Injuring Yourself as a Manual Therapist?

Good Posture! That is the key to preventing injury, along with learning how to transmit force from your body to the clients. The latter point will be covered in the next blog, in this blog we are going to take a look at how to improve your posture. So what makes good posture and how […]

What Makes A Good Manual Therapist?

So what do you think it is that makes a good manual therapist? Someone that likes working directly with people? someone that wants to help people? someone that has a good sense of humor? someone that enjoys inflicting a little bit of pain? (I’ve been accused of this one) Someone who is not afraid of […]

What Events Have Changed Your Career/Life?

What events in your life have lead you to becoming a manual therapist? What got you into the position to read this post? Sometimes it is good to step back and have a look at the events in life that happen to get us where we are. It is a good way to reflect on […]

6 Ways To Avoid & Overcome Neck, Shoulder & Back Pain In Hockey Players

This article was written by one of our members Trent Knights, who is a massage therapist, acupuncturist & hockey player from Australia. Do you ever get neck, shoulder or back pain after playing hockey? Many sports, including field hockey, force us to lean forward which can lead to developing a hunched posture. A hunched upper body posture also known as; upper cross syndrome, slouched […]

Ultra Trail Australia (UTA) & Our Clients Success

Over the last weekend we had two of our female clients successfully complete Ultra-Trail Australia (UTA) running events in the distances of 22km and 50km. Its feels great to bring you a feel good, positive story about two of my regular clients. Both athletes had trained hard to running programs to get them ready for […]

How Well Does Your Upper Back Move? Check Your Thoracic Extension

Have you have noticed that you sit or stand with a larger than normal curve in your upper back? Your thoracic extension may be limited. If so, it is a good idea to work on your posture or alignment. How can you do that? The first thing to do is to check how well your […]

Hey Friend, Learn How To Use Self-Care & Repair Your Body

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