Core Skills Online Workshop #1 – Fundamental Principles

This is where you begin your online learning journey with Manual Therapy Workshops. We start at the beginning, covering topics we believe are the fundamental principles of massage/manual therapies.
This workshop is 100% online, can be completed anytime you like and earns you ATMS CPE points!
Read below for more details about what is included in the Fundamental Principles

Fundamental Knowledge
To begin, the first set of videos covers topics which explain theory topics that are so important, every massage therapist, manual therapist and movement therapist should know to be high quality practitioners.
Every practitioner needs to know their anatomy and be able to:
Understand how we move on planes and around an axis of motion,
Realise the different implications of hypermobile and hypormobile tissues,
Be able to treat muscular imbalance,
Identify a muscles functions
See the difference between open and closed chain movements

Therapist Posture & Table Position
We move on the learning all about how to really get the most out of our tables, our bolsters, our posture and our body weight.
Many therapists waste energy and eventually injury themselves by not using themselves and their massage tables to their best advantage.
I have also thrown in a video on why I now use a comfrey based massage balm instead of oils.

Client Assessment
Before you begin treatment, I strongly believe that you need to perform assessment of your client.
Within this group of videos I cover the corner stones of client assessment; postural and movement assessment. Then I delve into interpreting your assessment results. This will help you decide how to best improve your clients body and design their treatment plans.
Lastly I look at identifying the difference between pain and tissue damage and how best to adapt your treatment when tissue damage is present.
Practitioner Assisted Stretching
Strength For The Manual Therapist
So you want to be a long term massage/manual therapist, the first body you need to look after is your own. In this section of Fundamental Principles you will learn how to develop strength in your core and glutes to ensure you are strong enough to deliver the required manual therapy forces from your body to your clients.
Combine core strength with the next section to have a great foundation to keep your body healthy and injury free.
Posture Corrections
After developing a good level of core strength you can then progress to working on improving your posture. You will discover firstly how to get your lower body into alignment via the “lower chain” activation’s, then progress to “upper chain” activation’s to improve your thoracic, shoulder girdle and head position.
Its great for all therapists to be able to perform these exercises to not only avoid injury, but so they can accurately and effectively teach their clients to perform them.

So, that’s what you will find in the Core Skills Online Workshop #1 – Fundamental Principles; theoretical principles of manual therapies, assessment principles, treatment room setup concepts and a solid introduction to strength and posture for the manual therapist.
This workshop is five hours long.
That means you can earn 5 CPE points through ATMS.
Many other associations provided 1:1 workshop hours to CPE points.
Check out Online Workshop #2 – Hips & Lower Back & Online Workshop #3 – Neck & Upper Back
Online Workshop #1 Fundamental Principles

Fundamental Knowledge
Posture & Table Position
Strength For Therapists
Client Assessment
Practitioner Assisted Stretching
Posture Assessment
Online Education
ATMS Approved 5 CPE Points
Designed for Busy Therapists
Bite Sized Videos